a person repairing and refurbishing aeron office chair nulife chairs

Can Office Chairs Be Repaired? Easy DIY Fixes and Tips

Office chairs are an important part of our day-to-day work routine. Given their daily use, it’s no surprise they can wear out or break over time. 

damage office chair nulife chairs
Can Office Chairs Be Repaired?

The good news is that many common issues can be repaired, often with essential tools and a little know-how. In this blog, we’ll explore whether office chairs can be repaired and how you can tackle some of the most frequent problems.

Common Office Chair Problems and Solutions

  1. Wobbly Chair
    • Cause: Loose screws or bolts.
    • Solution: Check all the screws and bolts that hold the chair together. Tighten any loose ones with a screwdriver or Allen wrench. If screws or bolts are missing, replace them with ones of the same size.
  2. Sinking Chair
    • Cause: Faulty gas lift cylinder.
    • Solution: Replace the gas lift cylinder. To do this, remove the old cylinder (usually held in place with a clip or bolt) and install a new one. You can find replacement cylinders online or at office supply stores.
  3. Broken Casters
    • Cause: Damaged or worn-out wheels.
    • Solution: Replace the casters. Most office chair wheels can be simply removed and swapped. Purchase new casters compatible with your chair and snap them into place.
  4. Torn or Worn Upholstery
    • Cause: Fabric or leather wear and tear.
    • Solution: Patch the upholstery or reupholster the chair. Fabric or leather repair kits can be used for minor tears. For more significant damage, consider reupholstering the chair, which might involve removing the old fabric and stapling the new fabric in place.
  5. Broken Armrests
    • Cause: Cracked or loose armrests.
    • Solution: Tighten or replace the armrests. If the armrests are loose, tighten the screws or bolts. If they are cracked, you may need to replace them entirely. Replacement armrests can often be found through the chair’s manufacturer or third-party suppliers.

Refurbished Aeron Chairs and Parts

At Nulife Chairs, we specialize in refurbishing Aeron chairs, ensuring they are as good as new. We take great care in restoring these chairs to their original glory, addressing common issues like those mentioned above. Additionally, we offer a wide range of parts for Herman Miller Aeron chair, so you don’t have to worry about buying a new chair if something goes wrong. From gas lift cylinders to casters and armrests, we have you covered.

Looking for the Perfect Office Chair?

When to Seek Professional Help

While many office chair repairs can be done at home, some issues may require professional assistance. 

professional fixing the chair nulife chairs
Can Office Chairs Be Repaired?

If your chair has a complex mechanism or if you’re unsure how to fix it, it’s best to consult a professional. They have the expertise and tools to handle more complicated repairs safely.

Tips for Maintaining Your Office Chair

attaching the back of the chair nulife chairs
  1. Regular Cleaning: Dust and clean your chair regularly to prevent dirt buildup, which can cause wear and tear.
  2. Check Screws and Bolts: Periodically check all screws and bolts and tighten them if necessary.
  3. Lubricate Moving Parts: To keep moving parts like wheels and tilt mechanisms functioning smoothly, use a silicone-based lubricant.
  4. Use Chair Mats: Place a chair mat under your chair to protect the chair wheels and the floor.


Yes, office chairs can often be repaired with some essential tools and a little effort. By addressing common issues like wobbly chairs, sinking seats, broken casters, torn upholstery, and damaged armrests, you can extend the life of your chair and save money. With our refurbished Aeron chairs and available parts, there’s no need to invest in a brand-new chair. However, for more complex problems, looking for expert assistance is advisable. Regular maintenance and care can also prevent many issues from arising in the first place, ensuring your office chair remains comfortable and functional for years to come.

For more tips on office chair maintenance and other ergonomic advice, check out our related blog posts:

Following these guidelines, you can keep your office chair in top shape and enjoy a comfortable and productive work environment.

FAQ: Can Office Chairs Be Repaired?

1. Can most office chair problems be fixed at home? Many common office chair problems can be repaired at home with essential tools. Issues such as loose screws, broken casters, and faulty gas lift cylinders can typically be resolved without professional help.

2. What should I do if my office chair is wobbly? Loose screws or bolts often cause a wobbly chair. Check all the screws and bolts on your chair and tighten any that are loose. If any are missing, replace them with screws or bolts of the same size.

3. How do I fix a sinking office chair? A sinking chair usually indicates a faulty gas lift cylinder. To fix this, you will need to replace the cylinder. Remove the old cylinder, typically held in place with a clip or bolt, and install a new one.

4. Can I replace the casters on my office chair? Yes, replacing casters is straightforward. Most office chair wheels can be pulled out and replaced easily. Simply purchase new casters that fit your chair and snap them into place.

5. What can I do about torn or worn upholstery on my office chair? Minor tears can be patched using fabric or leather repair kits. For more significant damage, consider reupholstering the chair. This process involves removing the old fabric and stapling the new fabric in place.

6. Can Aeron chairs be repaired? Absolutely. Aeron chairs can be repaired in much the same way as other office chairs. At Nulife Chairs, we specialize in refurbishing Aeron chairs and provide replacement parts such as gas lift cylinders, casters, and armrests.

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